Where Is The Safety On A Handgun
There are several different types of handgun safeties. Learn the common locations of external pistol safeties and how to identify each type.
There are several different types of handgun safeties. Learn the common locations of external pistol safeties and how to identify each type.
Today I’m going to dissect the parts of a handgun and label them for you. I’ll also cover the purposes of each basic part of the handgun and other common terms associated with those handgun parts.
Love em, hate em, or somewhere in between. Today I’m digging into pistol lasers and whether they are worth the investment. Here are the pros and cons of pistol lasers to help you decide if a laser is worth it for your personal and home defense.
You’ve got a shiny new firearm that you can’t wait to shoot at the local range. But hold on a minute, should you shoot your new gun right out of the box?
Is a gun enough or do you need to carry more? Here are the 9 concealed carry essentials to protect both your life and livelihood.
Guns jam, it’s just a fact of life. However, there are measures you can take to prevent your gun from jamming. Here are several of the top reasons why a gun jams, and what you can do to prevent it from happening in the future.